All Things Belong To GOD.

A king with a lot of kingdoms chooses a poor man to rule and govern over one of these. Full Authority was given to the man to do as he likes. The poor man at once rich, married many wives, living his life as he likes, oppressing the poor, despised the widows and never stood up for the right of less privileged and to cap it all, he became proud and brag as if he is the owner, he never gives reference to the king who chosen him.
One day after a lot of complain from the people and warning from the king, he was judged, the kingdom was taken from him and was stripped naked of all honor.
Daniel 4:17 says “For this has been decreed by the messengers;it is commanded by the holy ones,so that everyone may know that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world.He gives them to anyone he chooses—even to the lowliest of people.” There is nothing we have that has not been passed on to us by GOD. We should know that all the globe belongs to HIM and if you are in one great spot today, consider it as a privilege for GOD could have chosen someone else, the bible says in Psalm 75:6-7 “For promotion cometh neither from the east, Nor from the west, nor from the south.But God is the judge: He putteth down one, and setteth up another. ” Nothing makes sense without GOD, do not proud or glory in your ability, power or wisdom, simply return all praise and glory to the LORD GOD for choosing and favor you. Don’t wait until you are humbled like King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon “Daniel 4:1-37”   

GOD Bless You


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