I'm writing these few lines just to say that I still love you and I care about you. I'm checking to see if you're always faithful to me the way I am.

Remember how I took you from the dirt, cleaned you of all your dirt, making you presentable to my FATHER.

Remember how much I loved you before you swore allegiance to me or even met me (Romans 5:8)

Remember how I paid for your sin by bleeding and dying for you on the cross of Calvary (John 19:30).

Remember that my FATHER turned me down just because of you (Matthew 27:46).

Remember how I endured at the hands of those I created, just for you. 

How I fought for you and restored your dominion that was lost in the Garden of Eden (Revelation 3:7)

All these I did because of the love I have for you. 

But in spite of all this, are you keeping my orders? You love me the way you claim to? You're not cheating on me by making other things bigger than me? Is that fire still burning in you? 

Have yourself examined, even if you’ve drifted away, I am here to take you back  (2 Chronicles 30:9b, Zechariah 1:3b, Acts 3:19). I put so much into you and I can't give up now.

I prepared a place for you in my FATHER's house and I will return to take you as promised (John 14:2-3), I hope your garment will always be white, without spots or wrinkles (Ephesians 5:27). 

I will always love 💕 you.


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