Whenever there is a crisis or war in any country, some
caring country will arrange for their citizens to be transported out of such
country back home and the only criteria is having the national passport , not
the way you look, talk or behave for all these can be faked.
Likewise, the only criteria for the kingdom of heaven is having JESUS CHRIST as your LORD and SAVIOUR, for GOD so loved the world to send HIS only begotten son to die and whoever believe in HIM is destined for the kingdom of GOD (John 3:16). CHRIST is the only way that leads to the kingdom for HE said in John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (KJV). All other ways are fake and deceptions. JESUS came in human form to deliver, save and lead people to GOD.
Accept HIM today, HE loves you and always ready for you. Behold HE is knocking at the door of your heart (Revelation 3:20), please respond and invite HIM in today, for HE is a Gentleman and will never force HIMSELF on you.
Accept CHRIST today and get your heavenly citizenship so when HE comes for HIS own, you won’t be left behind.
Likewise, the only criteria for the kingdom of heaven is having JESUS CHRIST as your LORD and SAVIOUR, for GOD so loved the world to send HIS only begotten son to die and whoever believe in HIM is destined for the kingdom of GOD (John 3:16). CHRIST is the only way that leads to the kingdom for HE said in John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (KJV). All other ways are fake and deceptions. JESUS came in human form to deliver, save and lead people to GOD.
Accept HIM today, HE loves you and always ready for you. Behold HE is knocking at the door of your heart (Revelation 3:20), please respond and invite HIM in today, for HE is a Gentleman and will never force HIMSELF on you.
Accept CHRIST today and get your heavenly citizenship so when HE comes for HIS own, you won’t be left behind.
With Love
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