One of my departmental laptops was operating very poorly. when it got intolerable, I took it home, reset and reinstall all necessary software. When I handed it back, people saw that a big change had occurred.

After God made us, He looked and was pleased (Genesis 1:31). You were designed whole and complete. You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), so, if you suffer from any disease or your body is not functioning as it should. All you have to do is get back to God so He can put it back in its original form. 

Remember Jabez, he was named Son of Sorrow and that affects his destiny, but he returned to God in prayer and his life was turned to goodness (1 Chronicles 4:9-10). 
You are created to be the head, to be a blessing, to be healthy, and most importantly, to be like God because you are created in His image.

If you discover that your life is losing the original patterns of form, you better take it to God to reset. He loves you and He is waiting for you


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